Canoeboot is a coreboot distribution or coreboot distro, in the same way that Parabola is a GNU/Linux distro. Its purpose is to provide free/opensource boot firmware, replacing proprietary BIOS/UEFI firmware, and it supports many machines.
It is a coreboot distro precisely because of its design. Canoeboot’s build system automatically downloads, patches and builds all the various upstream sources such as coreboot, GRUB, SeaBIOS, U-Boot and so on. This automation is used to provide binary releases, which the user can easily install. Coreboot is notoriously difficult to configure and install, for most people, and you need a high degree of technical skill to use it; distros like Canoeboot bridge this gap, making coreboot accessible to non-technical users.
Coreboot is highly flexible for many configurations. It is quite possible build to your own coreboot image but most non-technical users should probably use a coreboot distro.
It’s thanks to the various coreboot distros that many people use coreboot today; without them, many otherwise non-technical users might not use coreboot at all.
Canoeboot is designed to comply with the GNU Free System Distribution Guidelines, as implemented by Canoeboot’s Binary Blob Extermination Policy.
As a result of that policy, it is important that Canoeboot must not steer the user towards anything that may provide them with proprietary software, even if the result may otherwise increase software freedoms; in the world of GNU/Linux distros, this means for example that if the user had, say, a graphics card that only worked with a binary-only driver, an FSDG-based project must tell the user to do without that card and use another. It could be that the user is installing a free GNU/Linux system for the first time, and that binary driver is the only blob they need; the FSDG policy however is very strict.
In this context, then, the page you’re reading now breaks that policy. This is because we don’t have that many options. You may otherwise like Canoeboot, but you might want to use newer hardware that only works with certain blobs such as Intel ME included.
In the lists below, distros that are FSDG compliant are marked as such, and projects that aren’t, do not contain such a marking. The list is otherwise provided, because we believe in freedom of choice in addition to software freedom; that means, it is important that you know your options.
In the world of boot firmware, there are many options, mostly coreboot-based, that do increase your level of software freedom to varying degrees. Even if all of the firmware in your main boot flash is entirely free, there may still be other firmwares, so even a project like Canoeboot isn’t perfect.
Education is key, so you are advised to do proper research before using any given project. That includes Canoeboot. One must always know what is what, who is who, and why, before any of life’s endeavours!
Not all distros are listed; only those of high quality or otherwise of interest; quality, not quantity. In alphabetical order:
Git repositories:
Supports many machines, with a choice of EDK2(UEFI) or Heads(GNU/Linuxboot) payload in the flash. Some older machines may provide a SeaBIOS payload instead. A lot of work that goes into the upstream coreboot project came from the Dasharo developers.
Dasharo provides their own fork of coreboot, with a specific tree per board. Several coreboot ports (e.g. MSI Z690-A PRO) were implemented directly by the Dasharo project, and later upstreamed into the regular coreboot project.
Dasharo has a special emphasis on commercial application, providing tailored coreboot images for each supported motherboard, with an emphasis on stability.
Git repositories:
GNU Boot is a GNU FSDG compliant coreboot distribution, whose lineage derives from Libreboot, much like Canoeboot does; however, Canoeboot and GNU Boot are very, very different projects, with different design philosophies.
For example, GNU Boot has since its creation pivoted toward use of GNU Guix in its build system, to bootstrap various toolchains and utilities, which can then be used to build coreboot images. This design is far more complex, and may have a higher maintenance burden in the short term, but it could provide interesting possibilities in the future (such as easier maintenance of reproducible builds).
For contrast, you can read about Canoeboot’s own build system design - Canoeboot and GNU Boot both started from roughly the same Libreboot base, but their evolution since then has completely diverged in every way, with Canoeboot focusing on more bleeding edge releases and customisation, updating every few months, whereas GNU Boot focus on stability, providing a much more conservative release schedule.
Perhaps one could compare Canoeboot more to Parabola GNU/Linux, whereas GNU Boot is more like… well it’s more like Guix, actually. FSF were told that if they started promoting Canoeboot, that Canoeboot would start promoting GNU Boot, and so they have, and therefore Canoeboot keeps its promise. The FSF first started promoting Canoeboot on the following pages:
Canoeboot initially started due to a perceived hostility by the GNU Boot project, toward the Libreboot project, because it initially started as a hostile fork of Libreboot. However, since February 2025, an agreement has been reached between I, Leah Rowe, and the FSF. I will no longer antagonise them, and vice versa, and with luck, more collaboration between FSF/Canoeboot may yet be established in the future. You can read about the previous hostilities here - such hostilities are now obsolete, and have been permanently canceled, since February 2025.
Git repositories:
Heads provides a GNU/LinuxBoot payload using U-Root, and has many advanced features such as TPM-based MeasuredBoot. With combined use of a FIDO key, you can easily and more reliably determine whether you boot firmware has been tampered with.
The GNU/Linux-based payload in flash uses kexec to boot another GNU/Linux kernel. It provides an easy to use boot menu, highly configurable and supports many GNU/Linux distros easily.
If you’re the sort of person who needs full disk encryption and you have a focus on security, Heads is for you. Perfect for use with something like Qubes.
Another focus of the heads project is on reproducible builds. Its build system bootstraps a toolchain that then compiles everything else, including the coreboot crossgcc toolchain. The purpose of this is to provide matching ROM hashes on every build; for this purpose, it also auto-downloads vendor files such as Intel ME at build time, instead of requiring you to dump from the original boot firmware.
Git repositories:
Libreboot was the first coreboot distro ever, starting in December 2013.
Canoeboot is a special fork of Libreboot; both Canoeboot and Libreboot are maintained in parallel by the same developer, Leah Rowe. Canoeboot supports far less hardware than Libreboot, but provides a pure free software coreboot distribution, due to its blob extermination policy. As a result of Canoeboot’s policy, it currently only supports very old hardware.
It otherwise has the exact same design as Libreboot, and is kept in relative sync at all times, often doing releases side by side on the same days as Libreboot.
Libreboot supports more hardware than Canoeboot, due to its more pragmatic Binary Blob Reduction Policy adopted on 17 November 2022; Canoeboot is a continuation of Libreboot from prior to this, since Libreboot initially used the same dogmatic policy as Canoeboot. A small minority of users demanded it post-November 2022, so Canoeboot was born.
If you’re an absolute Free Software fanatic, Canoeboot is for you. Otherwise, if you want to use much newer hardware, Libreboot is a worthy choice. Since Canoeboot only supports much older hardware, and uses Libreboot’s old policy, you could consider Canoeboot to be legacy Libreboot. Libreboot adopted the Binary Blob Reduction Policy in November 2022, as part of a general desire to support more - and newer - hardware.
Libreboot also includes CPU microcode updates by default, on any given x86 machine that both Canoeboot and Libreboot support; these updates improve system stability and fix security issues. It is for this reason that all users are in fact advised to use Libreboot, not Canoeboot. Canoeboot is meant only as a proof of concept, and/or for purists who absolutely wish to have the purest free software experience possible, regardless of these facts.
Git repositories:
Provides a tailored EDK2(UEFI) payload on supported Chromebooks. You can use this to replace ChromeOS with a regular GNU/Linux distro or BSD system - even Windows - if you wish.
The benefit of using MrChromebox is that it provides up to date EDK2, unlike proprietary vendors who often provide old, CVE-ridden versions of EDK2 forks such as InsydeH2O.
With MrChromebox’s guidance, you can have a completely up to date UEFI firmware on your machine, and get good use out of your Chromebook for many more years, with regular security updates.
You can also use the Chrultrabook Docs which make use of MrChromebox and might prove useful.
One of Chultrabook’s maintainers, Elly, did this talk at 37C3 conference, demonstrating Chultrabook: - and also did this more general talk about coreboot at 38C3: It’s very good reference material if you want to know more about coreboot, and coreboot distros more generally.
Elly also did this interview with Brodie Robertson, about coreboot, and explains the concept of a coreboot distro in more detail in one part of the interview:
Libreboot largely avoids supporting Chromebooks, precisely because MrChromebox is a perfectly viable option on these machines.
Git repositories:
Skulls provides simple coreboot images with SeaBIOS payload, on a handful of Thinkpads. Libreboot also provides similar SeaBIOS configurations, on all of the same machines, but Libreboot’s design does mean that there are a few additional steps for installation.
If you just want the simplest, most barebones setup, Skulls is a great choice.
Libreboot also provides U-Boot and GRUB, and has other ambitions. Libreboot aims to provide ease of use while also providing great power and flexibility. So Libreboot is aimed specifically at power users, while also trying to accomodate non-technical users; Skulls largely targets the latter.
Git repository:
Other repositories e.g. EC firmware:
System76 provides their own special coreboot fork, that they tailor for specific machines that they sell; they also provide free EC firmware. Jeremy Soller of System76 maintains this firmware, and the work is regularly upstreamed into the regular coreboot project.
System76 provides the coreboot firmware, along with EDK2 UEFI payload. It can boot GNU/Linux distros, BSD systems and even Windows perfectly.
Please get in touch! We’d love to link your project here.
The coreboot project also maintains its own list of coreboot distros:
Canoeboot maintains its own list, because it is felt that distros should also link to each other, since many people who find coreboot for the first time may find it through a distro (such as Canoeboot) and not check coreboot’s own website. We in the Canoeboot project wish to see everyone using free boot firmware, which was the primary motivation behind this page, in promoting the various projects.
This list will be populated over time. Several organisations exist out there that pertain to Free and Open Source firmware development, supporting its existence in general. Here are just a few of them:
The OSFF is a non-profit organisation of Oregon, USA, whose mission it is to coordinate communication between the various free boot projects (projects like coreboot). Several coreboot developers are a part of its governance.
The OSFF also hosts an annual Open Source Firmware Conference, where various projects, companies and peoples can talk about their work in this field.
The OSFF exists precisely because nothing like it has existed before; the world of boot firmware is largely dominated by proprietary IBVs (independent BIOS vendors), the likes of e.g. AMI, Phoenix.
Organisations like OSFF are critical, if we ever wish to see libre boot firmware become the default firmware, on computers that normal people actually purchase. All the separate projects out there do great work, but it is critical that we have a central sorting ground, a point of contact if you will, to represent us, and the OSFF’s mission is to be exactly that.
OSFF also has their own list of projects, similar to the list on this page that you are reading now. See:
Canoeboot is currently not affiliated with the OSFF in any official capacity, but it has our full support, and we will do what we can to help it, when we can.
Although not strictly related to free/opensource firmware, the coreboot project is an SFC member, which you can see here:
The SFC is a non-profit organisation of New York, USA, dedicated to the cause of software freedom, with a view towards Copyleft advocacy, especially copyleft compliance enforcement.
SFC provides services to member projects, such as coreboot, which you can read about here:
Services such as donations infrastructure, legal services (including things like copyright assignements and enforcement), advice/assistance about project governance, help with fundraising and outreach, etc.
SFC also hosts an annual conference, called FOSSY, which projects, companies and peoples can go to to promote their work on free/opensource projects. See:
Although Canoeboot is not affiliated with SFC in any official capacity, it is otherwise an excellent organisation, it is listed here in honour of the excellent work it does, including its support of the coreboot project.
The SPI is a non-profit organisation of New York, USA, dedicated to the cause of software freedom. It provides fiscal sponsorship and promotion of numerous Free and Open Source projects, which you can read about here:
It provides services to member projects such as donations infrastructure, legal services, advice/assistance and oversight of project governance and general help with fundraising.
SFC most notably provides services to Debian, which is a member:
Although SPI does not currently (at this time) sponsor any coreboot or firmware-related projects, several of the projects that it does support are critical for Canoeboot development. For example, it also supports the Arch GNU/Linux project:
Canoeboot development, especially build testing, happens largely on computers running Debian GNU/Linux and Arch GNU/Linux, because these cover a large number of users; we also test many other distros such as Fedora or Ubuntu.
Organisations like SPI (and indeed SFC, OSFF) are critical to the general health of the Free Software movement. Without them, we would not be able to as effectively coordinate projects, especially in terms of funding.
Canoeboot is not currently affiliated with the SPI in any official capacity, but they have our respect and they are listed here.
Several other projects besides coreboot provide free hardware initialisation, such as U-Boot (as own firmware, distinct from U-Boot as a coreboot payload), Trusted Firmware and so on.
Here are a few such projects:
fwupd is essentially a centralised repository of firmware images, that can be used to provide updates for your mainboard. Although not officially supported nor endorsed by the Canoeboot project, many GNU/Linux distros make use of this to provide UEFI firmware updates for example.
Canoeboot doesn’t use this, due to the many idiosyncrasies of Canoeboot on various motherboards; however, we may use it in a limited capacity, in the future.
GNU/LinuxBoot can be provided as a UEFI DXE, or as a U-Boot SPL, coreboot payload or Slim Bootloader Stage 1B, to provide a GNU/Linux kernel at boot time, which kexecs into another GNU/Linux kernel.
The benefit of using GNU/Linux to boot GNU/Linux is that then the bootloader part of your firmware doesn’t need to rewrite every driver, because GNU/Linux already provides excellent drivers, and it also affords you many advanced configuration possibility such as hardened encryption setups with things like Measured Boot, and it could also be used to boot over a network.
GNU/Linux distro for management controllers (BMCs) used on servers, rack switches and RAID appliances. This provides a remote management feature, most useful (for example) on colocated server hosting.
Oreboot is a special fork of coreboot, re-written in the Rust programming language, focusing specifically on the GNU/LinuxBoot payload configuration.
Trusted Firmware provides boot firmware for ARMv8-A, ARMv9-A and ARMv8-M. Specifically tailored for use on embedded systems, and parts of it are also used by the coreboot project on some boards.
U-Boot runs on a large number of embedded systems, with support for a variety of architectures such as ARM, x86, RISC-V and others. U-Boot provides its own small kernel and operating system, with drivers and applications designed to boot your operating system using various methods. It has an advanced shell, with excellent networking and file system support - most notably, we use it in Canoeboot as a UEFI payload for coreboot, but U-Boot can also provide its own boot initialisation independently of coreboot.
One of the nice features of U-Boot is its licensing (GPLv2 for the most part) and similar coding style to GNU/Linux; the licensing and technical design means that it’s much easier to port existing GNU/Linux drivers, when something needs to be done in the U-boot project.
We would like to list various distros of these too. If you know of a cool project, please get in touch with the Canoeboot project!
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